+ 31 187 - 484411 info@peemantransport.com
New material in Corona time.

New material in Corona time.

Perhaps somewhat contradictory to all reports with gloomy reports about the economy following the pandemic, this positive message about newly supplied transport material.

In addition to all our other efforts that we have made to ensure our quality, we again placed orders for new transport equipment to be delivered in 2020 a few months ago.

The tractors, in ADR version, are equipped with the latest safety features. The multifunctional trailers are ADR approved, equipped with drip tray and some also with a genset.

With this material we can serve you even better, reduce CO2 and operate as safely as possible.

We are counting on us to bring the economy back together with you by thinking and acting positively!

Bye Bye Euro5

Bye Bye Euro5

With the departure of these vehicles we close our Euro5 era. So from now on our entire fleet is Euro6!

Between the first generation of Euro6, with our 2014, and the current 2019 vehicles, there is already a world of difference, not only with regard to emissions but certainly also in the safety features.

We will do everything we can to update part of our fleet annually with vehicles fitted with the latest developments.

This is to guarantee you the best service as a customer, and to help you do business responsibly.

After all, we do it together!

Drivers Training

Drivers Training

Naturally, our drivers must also follow mandatory training courses under code 95.

But our approach is that our drivers are trained in matters that matter to us and our customers.

In addition to previously attended courses such as ADR, load securing and new driving, now the theory and practice to control braking distances and stability of our vehicles to the last detail.

All this of course linked to one BBS certificate.

Peeman Tranport @ Roparun

ECT Runners; This year too, an ECT team participated in the Roparun.

The Roparun is an annual event in which relay runs from Paris or Hamburg to Rotterdam for charity.


We at Peeman Transport have contributed to this great event by supplying a tractor to pull the hospitality trailer from ECT.

ECT employee Johan Grootenboer drove the combination safely back to Paris. The team contributed almost € 25.000 to the total amount of € 3.630.590. , a great achievement that is worth congratulations.

Co2 reduction also has serious attention at Peeman Transport

We as Peeman Transport certainly attach a great deal of value to our environment, for now, but certainly also in the future.

That is why we opted for the purchase of vehicles that deviate from the current standard, so no more diesel but LNG as fuel, and can thus reduce CO2 emissions by 20% compared to a comparable diesel-powered vehicle.

LNG as fuel for trucks is not entirely new but is still in its infancy for the heavy truck, at least that's how we see it. And despite the challenging business case and disadvantages in the operation, we are looking forward to the challenge for a cleaner future.

We finally see it as eand obligation to let our company contribute to a better environment!

Peeman Transport is now more than a year further

Peeman Transport is already more than a year later after the acquisition of Gist Containers September 2017.

In this year (and still today) much attention has been paid to improving our product in all areas.

Part of this was replacing container chassis in order to serve the customer better and to be able to work more efficiently as a company.

At the end of 2017 we proceeded to place orders for 20 new container chassis, all ADR approved and equipped with drip tray, 4 x from the brand Renders also equipped with genset, and 16 x D-Tec Portmaster.

We are proud to be able to use this material for you!


See also message from D-Tec:
